Welcome to the REX-IO 2023 Workshop

Established at IEEE Cluster 2021, the Re-envisioning Extreme-Scale I/O for Emerging Hybrid HPC Workloads (REX-IO) workshop has created a forum for experts, researchers, and engineers in the parallel I/O and storage, compute facility operation, and HPC application domains. REX-IO solicits novel work that characterizes I/O behavior and identifies the challenges in scientific data and storage management for emerging HPC workloads, introduces potential solutions to alleviate some of these challenges, and demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed solutions to improve I/O performance for the exascale supercomputing era and beyond. We envision that this workshop will contribute to the community and further drive discussions between storage and I/O researchers, HPC application users and the data analytics community to give a better in-depth understanding of the impact on the storage and file systems induced by emerging HPC applications.

Call for Work in Progress (WiP) Submissions:

REX-IO 2023 will host a Work in Progress (WiP) session where presenters provide short talks on their on-going work, with fresh problems and/or solutions. WiP content is typically material that may not be mature or complete enough for a full paper submission. A two-page abstract is required. All accepted WiP submission (subject to post-review revisions) will be published in the IEEE Cluster 2023 proceedings.

Topics of Interest Include:

  • Understanding I/O inefficiencies in emerging workloads such as complex multi-step workflows, in-situ analysis, AI, and data analytics methods 

  • New I/O optimization techniques, including how ML and AI algorithms might be adapted for intelligent load balancing and I/O pattern prediction of complex, hybrid application workloads

  • Performance benchmarking and modeling, and I/O behavior studies of emerging workloads

  • New possibilities for the I/O optimization of emerging application workloads and their I/O subsystems

  • Efficient monitoring tools for metadata and storage hardware statistics at runtime, dynamic storage resource management, and I/O load balancing

  • Parallel file systems, metadata management, and complex data management

  • Understanding and efficiently utilizing complex storage hierarchies beyond the traditional two-tiered file system and archive model 

  • User-friendly tools and techniques for managing data movement among compute and storage nodes

  • Use of staging areas, such as burst buffers or other private or shared acceleration tiers for managing intermediate data between computation tasks

  • Application of emerging big data frameworks towards scientific computing and analysis

  • Alternative data storage models, including object and key-value stores, and scalable software architectures for data storage and archive

  • Position papers on related topics

Important Dates:

Please note: All Dates are Anywhere on Earth

  • Submissions open: August 8, 2023

  • Submission deadline: September 1, 2023

  • Notification to authors: September 4, 2023

  • Camera-ready version due: September 11, 2023

  • Workshop date: October 31, 2023

WiP Submissions:

All WiP submissions must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. Indicate all authors and affiliations. All WiP will be reviewed using a single-blind peer-review process. Submissions should be a complete manuscript. WiP submissions should not exceed 2 single-spaced, double-column pages using 10-point size font on 8.5 X 11 inch pages (IEEE conference style) including everything excluding references.

WiP submissions are to be submitted electronically in PDF format and should not have appeared in or be under consideration at a different venue. It is also expected that all accepted WiP submissions will be presented at the workshop by one of the authors.

All accepted WiP submissions will be published in the IEEE Cluster 2023 conference proceedings.

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